Yassine Abaakil
Deputy Chair
Topic A
"Tensions Caused by Mismanagement of the Tigris and Euphrates Water Basin"
Dearest Delegates,
I welcome you all to the eighth session of the Maroc Model United Nations Security Council! Along with Najem, I will be serving as the committee’s chairman, after having debated in such during the seventh session. In addition to that, I have participated in a number of both international and national conferences, thereby allowing me to garner more experience. Our aim in the Security Council is to focus on water-based conflict, abiding by the conference’s theme of climate change. Namely, I will be leading investigation in the situation in Kashmir: this choice goes hand in hand with the idea that the area—disputed by the likes of the People's Republic of China, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and Republic of India—is rich in resources, primarily water. Of course, with our world facing issues such as pollution, this makes the chance of armed conflict even more plausible. If you find any difficulty in your research process, please consult the guide below or voice your questions to 19185@ras.ma; I look forward to working with all of you!
Najem Abaakil
Greetings delegates,
My name is Najem Abaakil, and it is my great honor to introduce myself as a Security Council co-chair for this year’s MaMUN conference. My experience as chair will serve as my fifth MUN conference as well as my fourth year involved in the program. I have held several positions in the past, ranging from staff, to ambassador of my delegation. I am a Moroccan student, and currently attend the Rabat American School. As a chair, I am very excited for the upcoming conference and debate, as I am sure many of you are as well. While some of you may have attended several conferences in the past, and others may be first-time delegates, I am sure that all of you, and myself will come to enjoy these days of fruitful, constructive debate. I assure you that this will undoubtedly be the greatest MaMUN conference yet!
Topic B
"Addressing the Situation in Kashmir"
© 2018 maroc Model United Nations
mamun MMXVIII - JANUARY 18 - 21, 2018
maroc model united nationS
Rabat american school
For general inquiries, please contact Infomarocmun@gmail.com or fill out the contact form.